A Collaborative Multinational University
Academic units at BMU can collaborate on international activities, programs, or projects with institutions of higher education or other organizations in a variety of ways.
A Pathway to Study, Work, and Live Abroad
Studying abroad in college is the most common way for students to experience a new country while working toward their degree.
Leaders in Entrepreneurial Mindset Development
Leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset embrace change, seek out opportunities, and inspire their teams to push boundaries.
A Preferred Destination for International Students in Cambodia
Let us unveil each country's benefits and opportunities, making it one of the best places to study abroad.
We will carefully set our strategic goals in accordance with the National and International Quality Frameworks, MOEYS Guidelines, Education Quality Standards of the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia (ACC), and other relevant rules and regulations of the Kingdom of Cambodia, as follows:
Strengthening Governance and Management
Enhancing the IQA System
Improving Administrative and HR Affairs
Enhancing Financial Affairs
Advancing Digital and Information Technology
Improving Academic Affairs
Strengthening Marketing Efforts
Expanding International Relations